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Your source for printing, direct marketing, and mailing services in Austin, Texas.

We specialize in offset printing, digital printing, direct mail, and are eager to help you with your project every step of the way.

We're proud to have served the Austin area for over three decades. We will make your printing project easy, impactful, and done on time and budget. We help you achieve results, whether it be a campaign mailing or swag items for your next tradeshow.

Why should you choose TG?

  • Family Owned
  • Environmentally Conscious
  • Quality Service
  • Faster Turnaround
  • Advanced Technology
  • Celina B. * Leander, Texas
    Celina B. * Leander, Texas

    They do great quality work, and deliver on time.

  • Sonja N. * San Marcos, TX
    Sonja N. * San Marcos, TX

    Thomas Graphics is an A++ printing company with exceptional staff that cares about the job they are doing. They are dedicated to each and every project that goes through their shop. Wonderful company to work with!

  • Jamestown Associates
    Jamestown Associates

    Our clients' campaigns are demanding, and Thomas Graphics always gets their materials out on time and on budget.

5 Reasons Social Media is an Essential Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Social media has quickly become one of the most important parts of a business’s digital marketing strategy. It’s a great way to improve your reach across a broader audience. If you’re hesitant to break into this relatively new marketing opportunity, check out this list. We’re breaking down key reasons you’ll want to adopt social media into your next digital marketing plan. 


Social media marketing won’t break the bank.

In fact, it might be the most cost-effective way to advertise. Most platforms don’t charge anything to create an account. It allows you to start small when you invest in paid social media advertising, which can help you achieve a higher return on investment, and thus a larger budget for your other marketing efforts. By spending a small amount of money and time on social media, you can also increase your conversion rates when people interact with your advertisements.


It lets you engage with your customers.

Social media allows you to have a more personal connection with your target audience. You can respond to their replies and comments, which lets them know you care about their opinions and take them into consideration. Interacting with your audience is also a great opportunity to convey to them your brand message. They are more likely to see your brand how you want it to be seen if you show them.


Social media marketing can lead to higher levels of brand awareness.

Once you’ve established a relationship with your audience through social media, you’ll likely see an increase in brand recognition. The more you use social media, the more posts will be reposted, retweeted and shared. This expands your brand’s reach and visibility, and hopefully earns you new business.


It can also earn you brand loyalty.

Customer loyalty is a goal for nearly every business, and posting relevant content to social media is a great way to earn it. Think about a popular brand’s social media presence. Its followers are likely die-hard fans of the company and the products/services it offers. They know if they have concerns or praise to share with their favorite brand, they’ll get a timely response if they post on social media. 


Social media marketing is great for your SEO ranking.

By keeping up your killer social media strategy and increasing your brand loyalty, you’ll increase traffic to your website. Search engines will take notice of your content, and you’ll likely see your website move up in their rankings. 


In today’s day and age, social media is necessary for any successful marketing strategy. It offers many benefits at little cost to you, whether you’re an established brand or a newer startup. Make sure to start sooner rather than later. Your competitors are likely using social media as well, and potential customers could see their name before yours, losing you business.